Looking forward to Chinese New Year, looking back to Valentine's Day

Chinese New Year

This is the year of the SHEEP.  I chose to make this simple sheep popsicle stick puppet. The students really enjoyed making the groundhog day puppets last week, and we made short drama based skits with them. I plan on doing the same with the sheep puppets. This was an easy way to expose the students to drama and I was able to get an assessment mark as well. 
Here is an example of what we are going to make:

I can't wait to make the booklet found in this package.  All my previous classes have loved learning about the different traditions celebrated on Chinese New Year. This simple printable booklet made a great whole group guided reading activity and was filled with fun and exciting facts about Chinese New Year.

This package also includes many hands on activities that you can do with your class, from Venn diagrams to making your very own lucky red pouches and fortune cookies.

Don't forget to check out this scrabble freebie activity. 

Valentine's Day

We had a blast last Friday when we celebrated Valentine's Day. It is one of my favourite holidays to celebrate with a class in the primary grades. I am not sure if it is as innocent in older grades as it is in first grade, but I always have had 100% participation, even if I had to print out Valentine's for students that didn't have any. What I love is that every student gets a Valentine, no students are left out at this age. The kids love giving them out and getting them.
After we made mailboxes to put our Valentine's in we passed them out. There was no way I could wait till later in the day to do this, they were so distracted by what they had brought in to school. I figured if you can't beat them join them, so I gave in and they were so focused for the rest of the day.  

Valentine -Language, Math and Science

We did a 5 senses "Hershey Kiss" language activity and carried it into math for the afternoon, with addition and subtraction, a taste survey and "fill in the missing number" kiss. Counting with "Hershey Kisses" is a hands on activity that the students just loved. 

Science with Valentine's day hearts with experiment sheets and predictions. Check out this freebie I found on Teacher Pay Teacher.

This year I passed out "Tic Tac Toe" Valentines with a package of pink and white tic tacs. I taught the students how to play and we had a class tournament. 
Here is picture of some of our favourite things from the day.

Hope everyone had a fantastic and fun Family Day!

...dedicated to my partner Kaitlin and the wonderful addition to her family.

