Two "Twitter" Inspired Packs for the New School Year!

This month Christine and I have been busy creating some resources and activities that we wanted to use in our classrooms this year. After brainstorming up some new ideas, we decided that we needed to embrace the social media craze and create a package (or 2) based on the basics of "Twitter" or "tweeting". Now, I am sure some of you Type A teachers are squirming at the fact that twitter is based on short forms and made up words etc. But believe it or not, it's what the kids are doing. Even if they don't know what it is, it's still a fun way to get kids to write. It's a way for kids to step outside of the "writing box"..... step outside mundane writing activities and just have fun.

This summer we have revamped our Student of the Week project and have added some new elements. One of them, a tweet board.
This pack is $2.50 and it includes:
*Display pages for the activity for each day of the week
 *Instruction page explaining assignment to parents and students
 *Instruction to parent/guardian for note from home
 *Paragraph cards for students
 *Labels for parent letter envelopes
 *Parent/Guardian Letter Stationary
 *Invitation for lunch friend
*Certificate for Star Student
We want kids to be excited to share/present/write/read and just be them! This is what we had in mind when we created it. We hope that you too, can make use of this pack in your classroom.
The next pack we have created is a pack that is intended to be used with grades 1-4 (grade one’s will use it closer to the end of the year when they begin to write a simple sentence). You could easily use it for higher grades, too. Especially if they are not where you need them to be with the basics of writing.
 We have included a template of the “Tweeting” Paragraph Style that can be used on an overhead with the whole class. We have also included a grade one, two, three and four level template, with an example of each.

This package also has a blank template that can be used for writing paragraphs in all subjects once “Tweeting” Paragraph Style has been mastered.

This Package is $2.00 and it includes:

 *Explanation of idea for package
*Instructions on how to use this package
*Overhead blank template
*Examples and templates for Grades 1,2,3,and 4
*Blank Template for Paragraph
We have bundled both of these packs together for $3.50!!
Take a look at the Star Student Boards in our classroom {HERE}
Have a "Tweet" Wednesday! :)
